简介:爱情,从来行动大于言语 威伦,一个出生在情人节的年轻人,却从来不知道爱情——甚至连他父母的爱都不知道。他遇到了一个对他表现出同情和温柔的人 Valen, a young man born on Valentine’s Day but has never known love - not even the love of his parents. And he meets someone who shows him compassion and tenderness.
爱情,从来行动大于言语 威伦,一个出生在情人节的年轻人,却从来不知道爱情——甚至连他父母的爱都不知道。他遇到了一个对他表现出同情和温柔的人 Valen, a young man born on Valentine’s Day but has never known love - not even the love of his parents. And he meets someone who shows him compassion and tenderness.展开
周五俱乐部17恋情理念/星期五俱乐部系列之没有任何理论适用于所有爱情/爱情论点之21天概论/爱情理论问题之爱恋论理/ClubFridayTheSeries17TheoryofLove 21/周五俱乐部17情论21/周五俱乐部17爱情概论之理论21天/ClubFriday17TheoryofLove21 Days Theory/ClubFriday17TheoryofLove/周五俱乐部17季21天恋爱论/周五俱乐部17情爱论理之21日理论/