简介:A party of adventures attempt to defeat a demon lord. They fail, accidentally sending her back in time. The demon lord decides to go to the adventurer school where these four girls trained, and become their teacher.
A party of adventures attempt to defeat a demon lord. They fail, accidentally sending her back in time. The demon lord decides to go to the adventurer school where these four girls trained, and become their teacher.展开
BLEACH/死神/千年血战篇/Part/3/境界/新篇章/相剋谭篇/死神/千年血战篇/第三季/BLEACH/千年血战篇/第三季/Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War - Part 3: The Conflict/死神/千年血战篇/-相克谭-/BLEACH/千年血戦篇-相剋譚-/